Bauernkriegspanorama 4.0 [Peasants’ War Panorama 4.0] is a production by Theater Eisleben, cobratheater.cobra and Merseburg University of Applied Sciences. Over the course of two years, they are collaborating on a transdisciplinary project to create a new panorama, based on the monumental circular painting Frühbürgerliche Revolution in Deutschland [Early Bourgeois Revolution in Germany] by Werner Tübke. The goal is to activate people from the Mansfeld region to participate and to create a new panorama together. During the Werkleitz Festival My Precious, cobratheater.cobra is setting a communicative kitchen and collects data such as photos, films, texts, statistics, interviews and sounds. These data sets will be visualized using artificial intelligence and form the centerpiece of the play development Haufen Uffruhr Fortschritt 2 [Heap Turmoil Progress 2] as a stage and space production by cobratheater.cobra and Theater Eisleben, which will premiere in March 2024.
Anhäufung – kommunikative Küche
DE 2023
Sa, 17.6.23 13:00
© Yen Duong